Lost & Found

Lost & Found

How we help

“Happiness is matching a lost pet with its owner and vice versa!”
Many of the callers to Man & Beast, Inc. are frantically searching for a lost pet, or conversely, are those who have found an animal. By maintaining careful records and cross referencing all lost and found calls, Man & Beast, Inc. helps reunite owners with their pets.
We do not charge for this service. However, donations are always welcome.


We also provide comprehensive information to callers on the steps to take to locate a pet or to explore adoption alternatives for found stray animals.

Search Tips

We also provide comprehensive information to callers on the steps to take to locate a pet or to explore adoption alternatives for found stray animals.

  • Put out fliers and posters of the animal. Be sure to list the information under Flyers at the bottom of the page.
  • Talk to your neighbors. Don’t forget to talk to kids in your neighborhood…they tend to notice details and have excellent memories! We have heard more about pets being matched to their owners because of children seeing them while outside playing.
  • Don’t give up! Be patient. Pets are just as anxious to come back home as you are to get them back.
  • Contact Man & Beast if you have found or lost a pet to add to our database. If you have decided to keep a found pet, or that you have found the owner, please give us a call that we can keep our "Lost & Found" list updated.


Below is a list of info to include in your flyers, choose what will best help find your pet, include a pic, print and post in your neighbourhood, or where your pet was lost.

  • Breed of animal
  • Collar, tags, microchip identification numbers
  • Predominant colors of coat or distinct markings, eye color
  • Phone numbers
  • Place where animal was last seen. Be specific with crossroads, subdivisions, etc.
  • First name of owner – Do not give full name for safety precautions!
  • Approximate weight
  • Any medical attention needed
  • Description of fur coat, tail, ears
  • Reward, if any

This is a free service so please use anytime at your convenience. We do not keep your pictures or records.